Today I remember a friend. He was funny, friendly and so very bright. I spent his last day on earth with him doing something that he loved: exploring a Puerto Rican rainforest and learning about our natural world. He taught me about all the different gastropods, which might make some people glaze over, but to him it was fascinating. His enthusiasm for the natural world was contagious. He loved his family and friends, and excitedly called them up on his last day to tell him what he had experienced in the rain forest.
After you collapsed on the streets of San Juan Brian, we did everything we could. We held you, tried to resuscitate you, and called for help so many times. Nothing we did helped, and to this day I struggle with that. But we were there by your side holding you as you passed on out of this life and into the next. And I am so grateful for having been there for you.
Today I remember a friend whose life was not meaningless, but full of purpose. Knowing him and being there on that fateful night with him has forever changed my life. I open my eyes in the morning and am so grateful for everything that I can see, hear, touch and taste. I never take life for granted, and tell my family and friends what they mean to me all the time. Brian you taught me that life isn’t fair and not guaranteed for anyone. You taught me to enjoy every minute of it, because no one knows when it is their time to leave this earth.
I miss you so much, but I will never forget you and all the things I have learned from you. You have changed my life for the better and I feel gifted for having known you. Thank you for that Brian.
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